Thanks! We have all your info, now just one more step to complete your registration - please pay below.
Paying via PayPal is quick, easy, and secure.
You don't need a PayPal account to register - any credit card will do, just click the "Buy Now" button and follow the prompts.
Questions? Email [email protected].
You don't need a PayPal account to register - any credit card will do, just click the "Buy Now" button and follow the prompts.
Questions? Email [email protected].
Registration fee: $235 (conference + concert ticket) or $220 (conference only) (Concert tickets for the public are $25 each - conference attendees get a discount!) If you need assistance in order to participate; such as an interpreter, assistive listening device, alternate format of materials, wheelchair accommodations, or any other special assistance, please email us at [email protected] no later than September 1, 2017.
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